Parking Lot, Road Striping Revigorating Results
Professional line striping from Pavemax offers several benefits for parking lots, roadways, loading zones, and more. It helps keep commercial properties within Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance, and it increases safety in the area. Parking lot striping helps traffic flow in and out and in an organized fashion, and improves the exterior aesthetics of a property. Whether existing lines need touch-ups or a custom design would be better, Pavemax has the tools, skills, and expertise for any line striping job.
Free EstimateBenefits of Florida Line Striping

ADA Compliance
Codes and guidelines for ADA compliance are always changing. Let Pavemax help you stay within compliance with up-to-date striping and stenciling in a timely manner.

Custom Line Striping
Whether your business needs traffic to move in one direction or you’d like to show off a custom logo, Pavemax is the custom line stripe company with the tools and knowledge for your needs.

Routine Maintenance
Line striping will fade over time and when it does, you can count on Pavemax to quickly provide routine touch-ups. Our crew works with you to minimize business disruptions.
How We Line Stripe
Line striping begins like several other Pavemax services — a good cleaning. A deep clean is especially necessary when repainting road striping. We’ll scrub and/or power wash the surface to get rid of debris and loose pavement paint. Once the surface has dried, it's time to start painting. Waterborne paint is the most common type because of its ease of use. Reflective paint is paint with glass beads which give a reflective effect when headlights strike the beads. Chlorinated rubber paint is a high performance paint which dries quickly. Benefits of line striping include:
- Stay in compliance with local, state & federal codes.
- Clearly designate no parking areas, such as fire lanes.
- Traffic is organized, flowing in & out of the parking lot.
- New line paint enhances the property’s appearance.
- Reduce liability and safety issues.